Are you looking for Paediatric First Aid Training or a refresher for your staff team?
What training is available
√ Full 12 hour Paediatric First Aid (2 x Saturdays) √ Blended - Paediatric First Aid (6 hours online + 6 face to face √ Shorter annual refresher courses CPR & Choking (ideal for staff meetings) √ Recognised by Ofsted √ All courses are certificated and Full courses accredited
When can training be ran?
√ Daytime √ Evening √ Weekend
Where can the training take place?
√ Your own Setting √ Your own home √ Kidzgrove Daycare - Evenings and weekends only
How many people can be trained at anyone time?
√ Groups of 8-12 people £55 per head √ Groups of 7 or less - ask for a quote √ A maximum of 12 people per course √ Annual refresher - ask for a quote
Safeguarding Training available - Full Level 3 or Training bespoke to your requirements.